Inspect composer.
I explore relationships with/as nature through practices of care across time and space. These days, this looks like multi-media workshops at the intersection of arts, technology, and/or environment from solar powered tech to zines, as well as volunteering for a mycology club and food pantry's farm. I hold positionalities in localized grassroots organizing around LGBT+, Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, environmental justice, and disability justice. I dream about placing revolutionary infra-punctures to create intentional points of release and relief in systems of oppression with cultural memory that sustains beyond paper books or data centers. I believe that another world is possible — another world is already here. I believe that another world is possible — another world is already here.
✎ Feel free to leave me an obscure message on Your World of Text.Inspect site.
This website was made in HTML with CSS styling built in rather than on a separate CSS file. If you press [F12] you can see exactly how I made this site page by page. My first time learning HTML was when I was in the sixth grade. This little corner of the internet was inspired by of Olia Lialina and Dragan Espenschied's archive of GeoCities as well as Kyle Drake's revival of the framework on NeoCities.
The Outer Web
← Fediring → ⁂ ← Hotline → ⁂ ← Retronaut →If you're interested in making your own website, I also have a blog post about it and would be happy to chat.
You can copy this button to your site. I'm happy to add buttons from my friends!" Created by Göktuğ Kayaalp. Want to copy this to your website? Click here.
Links for academic liberation.
Aaron Swartz
Center for Open Science
Open Access
Academic Journal Publishing Reform
Guerrilla Open Access Manifesto
Should Knowledge Be
In Solidarity with Libgen and
The Cost of Knowledge
Sexism in
Publish or
Slow Science
Up or Out