These are my personal and curricular projects.
- 101 wild and wacky things to do (Letters On Sounds zine) with Erik
JAN 2023 | Fallow Zine 1
"La Jachère is a small corner of the internet that wants to create an anti-capitalist space by practices of resting and letting rest.""It’s not about being anti-technology, but about drawing the line and stating, that we actually have more than enough technology already."
AUG 2022 | Iffy Solar
In partnership with Iffy Books, we will run workshops that engage community members in Philadelphia with the topic of renewable energy for a just climate transition through solar-powered multimedia projects. In several hands-on, interactive workshops, participants will learn how small-scale renewable energy systems function and discuss how to spread the word together in the wider Philadelphia community. Our goal is to show that engineering projects can also be creative, educational, and artistic projects. Moreover, for an equitable transition away from fossil fuels, these skills must be accessible to those in underrepresented communities. (Funded by the inaugural Engaged Humanties Studio Fellowship).
APR 2022 | To Survive and Thrive: How refugees from Myanmar contribute to local foodways with the support of urban farming incubators for BIOL 093 - Food Systems and Permaculture, a Directed Reading
SEP 2021 | Swarthmore Solar Protocol
A solar powered web server sits on Singer Hall rooftop as a part of the "Solar Protocol" project. Inspired by Low-Tech Magazine, Solar Protocol's website runs on a naturally intelligent network, hosted by whichever server across the globe has the most sunshine. Essentially, uptime and site resolution follows the logic of the sun; when there is no sunlight, either someone else's access to renewable solar energy allows the website to stay up or the website goes down. The experimental project intends to spark a dialogue in our energy consumption demand and access, and as well as the potential of decentralized energy and internet systems that work together with the natural world—rather than try to command it. (Funded by the Halpern Family Foundation Engineering Design Fund.)
JUN 2021 | Designing Game-Based Tools for LGBT+ Education in Vietnam with ICS Vietnam
For The School for International Training: Development and Gender. Funded by the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship.MAY 2021 | Typing ASMR
MAY 2021 | Virtually Here: Alternative Narratives of Energy Archives for ENVS 089A/089B - Sustainability Research and Action
APR 2021 | Eyeless Blobcats
Edited blobcat emojis without eyes. Created by request by members of the blind/limited vision community on Mastodon.
FEB 2021 | Beyond Gender: Mythic Deities
Sunday Sites is a community series where people come together to make make HTML websites based on a different theme each week. You can learn more about it on their Main Website.
DEC 2020 | Trick-Tac-Toe
An unbeatable tic-tac-toe game written in Arduino, running on the Arduino Circuit Playground Classic STEMMA connected to a Monochrome 0.96" 128x64 OLED Graphic Display with pixel art to cpp graphics. Collaborative final project for ENGR 015 - Fundamentals of Digital and Embedded Systems.
DEC 2020 | No Longer Minding the Light: A Teach-In on Grace Lee Boggs' book, The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century.

This workshop introduced the life of Boggs and the work of the Boggses through the Detroit Summer Project as an example of solidarity economies and dialectical action. The presentation was followed by an interactive discussion utilizing Google Jamboard of our roles as activists and revolutionaries, past, present, and future, growing our communities in ways where we recognize that “Another world is necessary. Another world is possible. Another world is happening."NOV 2020 | Autobiographical Timeline

This timeline articulates the past, present, and future, starting with events from the 1500's to articulate my personal journey of embodiment, inspired by the work Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation by Eli Clare. It is a collection of quotes, artwork, historical events, statsitcs, life experiences, and ideas. It was made using Padlet. Final project for ENVS 043 - Race, Gender, Class, and Environment.AUG 2020 | Untitled1 Custom Handwritten Font built in Font Forge.

FEB 2020 | PlayStation Vita 2000 a.k.a. PS Vita Slim (2014)

Device runs HENkaku Ensō homebrew supporting GBA and SNES emulators on firmware 3.60.